Some type of sub-title
Addiopizzo is an association of young people who have decided to contrast mafia and over all, pizzo. Pizzo is a request of money to commercial. But the reason for which they have decided to contrast mafia is that everyone purchase something everyday pay itself the pizzo. So all of us pay pizzo. The first time action of Addiopizzo was to put over the wall of the city of Palermo a small adhesive ticket on which they wrote: Un intero popolo che paga il pizzo è un popolo senza dignità ( An entire people who pay pizzo is a people without dignity). Then they try to define a new strategy: the critical purchase. The try to create a sinergy between commercial and consumer. They ask to people going to purchase in the shop that have declared to refuse pizzo.
Now after five years we have 500 commercial that declared to refuse pizzo and we are started the national critical purchase, because pizzo is not only in our town but it is also in other town of the nation. A lot of commercial have denounced to police the people who asked pizzo and the atmosphere is changing. People has less fear then a time and they find more often the courage to denounce mafia.
From the starting point i am following them and building their brand image and communication. Is a very important work for me because i want to really change my country.
Now after five years we have 500 commercial that declared to refuse pizzo and we are started the national critical purchase, because pizzo is not only in our town but it is also in other town of the nation. A lot of commercial have denounced to police the people who asked pizzo and the atmosphere is changing. People has less fear then a time and they find more often the courage to denounce mafia.
From the starting point i am following them and building their brand image and communication. Is a very important work for me because i want to really change my country.